Water & watermanagement

Review on Baltic-Nordic region thematic workshop 29.-30.09.2021.

Baltic-Nordic region thematic workshop on synergies and trade-offs between nature, water, climate and flood prevention policies was held on 29-30 September 2021, at the lake Lubāna (in Latvia), which is one of the demonstration areas of the LIFE GoodWater IP project.  The workshop brought together nature conservation and water management experts from the LIFE projects in Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Sweden (online). This was an opportunity for networking between LIFE project teams as well as to share experience and good practice in management and restoration of water related ecosystems.

During the first day a field trip was organised around the lake Lubāns to explore its nature assets and water level management challenges and solutions. On the second day various experiences were presented, including the LIFE GoodWater IP analysis of EU and national legal requirements for nature and water management in the Lake Lubāns; practical experience from Lithuania with water level regulation in Nemunas delta, balancing aquatic warbler conservation and farming interests; Swedish experience with stakeholder engagement and developing tools for reducing eutrophication; and Estonian experience in remediation of the contaminated sites and cleaning the waterbodies.

Workshop concluded with interactive discussion on possible solutions for addressing synergies and trade-offs between nature, water, climate and flood prevention policies, including proposals for the biodiversity and water level management in the Lubāna wetland complex.

Workshop materials:

00_Agenda_29.-30.09.2021 Lubans workshop


02_LIFE GoodWater IP project intro_L.Fibiga

03_Analysis of legal_acts_I.Priedniece

04_Water level management Acrola_Z.Morkvenas

05_Landowners involvement_J.Strand

06_Local Engagmenet for water_J.Strand

07_LIFE IP Rich waters project_D.Liderfelt

08_Involvement of farmers_E.Witter

09_LIFE IP CleanEST project_M.Sepp

10_Small stream-wicked problem_V.Korgmaa

11_Approach to residual pollution_O.Ojala

12_Interactive session introduction_A.Ruskule

13_Interactive session_results_LV group

14_Interactive session_results_SWE group

15_Interactive session_results_EST group