LIFE FitforREACH-2 aims to support SMEs in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania & Poland that use (hazardous) chemicals in their products or processes. The goal of the project is to implement (elements of) chemicals risk management systems in companies, to incentivise and support a reduction of the use, emissions and exposures to hazardous substances.
The project work will be based on a comprehensive understanding of chemicals risk management, provided in form of handbooks, tools as well as specific and practical consultation.
The main targeted group and direct beneficiaries of chemicals risk management work will be end-users of substances and mixtures, and also formulators of mixtures. Amongst others, we will help them to thoroughly assess alternatives to hazardous substances and mixtures to avoid regrettable substitution. By improving e.g. purchasing routines, workers protection, monitoring chemicals use and communication in the supply chain, chemicals literacy and awareness for safe, toxic free products will be increased. In cooperation with the further target group of companies in the waste sector we will assess how to identify hazardous substances in wastes and how this information could change their sorting and treatment practices resulting in cleaner secondary materials.
The LIFE FitforREACH-2 also includes two Polish partners who will implement the activities in Poland. This will give access to many new companies that have not yet been trained or consulted before, thus promising higher improvement potentials and more extensive outreach than in the Baltics. We will further replicate our approach and tools to other Central and Eastern European Countries via associated organisations. Last but not least, we will continue investing in awareness raising activities, amongst others on chemical inventories and chemicals risk management for university students & industry associations.
Project details
- Project name: LIFE FitforREACH-2
- Project management:Baltic Environmental Forum Estonia
- Funded by: European Union LIFE programme, State Regional Development Agency of Latvia, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of the Republic of Latvia, Environmental Investment Centre of Estonia, Ministry of the Environment of Lithuania
- Operational time: 10/2023 – 09/2027
- Project number:LIFE22-ENV-EE-LIFE-FitforREACH-2/101113947
- Project website: https://www.fitreach.eu
Project partners
15 project partners:
From Estonia – Hendrikson DGE ja pilot enterprises Scanfil and Paldiski Tsingipada
From Latvia – Baltic Environmental Forum Latvia, Ecodesign Competence Centre, Latvian Association of Waste Management Companies and pilot enterprises Kvist, Kinetics Nail Systems and BalticFloc
From Lithuania – Kaunas University of Technology Institute of Environmental Engineering, Environmental Centre for Administration and Technology and pilot enterprises Elgama Electronics and Art Glacio
From Poland – Łukasiewicz Industrial Chemistry Institute and POMInnO
Contact persons
- Agnese Meija-Toropova
- Ingrīda Brēmere