One-Stop-Shop extended model to increase the multi-apartment building stock renovation in the BSR

The main goal of the RenoWave project is to speed up the renovation of multi-apartment building stock in the countries of the Baltic Sea region by developing an expanded model of a One-Stop-Shop (OSS), which includes services that cover all stages starting from the initiation of the energy efficiency renovation project of multi-apartment buildings to the project implementation.

Specific objectives:

  • Methodology for extraction of data and setting energy efficiency (EE) targets will be developed and a digitized platform prepared to provide automized analysis and renovation calculations for building stock in a specific region.
  • Preparation of a set of communication and marketing services for OSS to raise awareness of the multifamily building homeowners about the benefits of energy renovation, provide them with the initial advice and help them to move on from the planning to the implementation stage.
  • Creation of a collaboration framework to connect homeowners, regional/municipal bodies, technology solution providers, and construction companies with the aim to increase the renovations by enhancing market dialogue between buyers and suppliers, bundling the investments, and organizing group procurements of several buildings to get better offers and be more attractive to the financiers and solution providers.
  • Development of OSS Technical Assistance module what include method to map and assess the local solution providers/suppliers, as well as guidelines to improve solution providers’ ability to provide all-inclusive services in the regions.

Project details

Project partners

City of Lappeenranta (Finland), Vidzeme Planning Region (Latvia), Association of Communes and Cities of Małopolska Region (Poland), Magistrat of the City Bremerhaven (Germany), Baltic Environmental Forum Latvia (Latvia), Housing Initiative for Eastern Europe (Germany), Let’s renovate the city NGO (Lithuania), Polish Foundation for Energy Efficiency (Poland), North Sweden Energy Agency (Sweden), Development Centre of Võru County (Estonia)

Contact persons

  • Irina Paegle
  • Dace Selga



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