14.02.2025Stakeholders sustainability in the Lielupe river basinMaintaining a community of stakeholders alive in the Lielupe river basin – please watch the video interview…Read more
15.01.2025LIFE Programme Newsletter | January 2025Latest news from the LIFE programme: What to expect from LIFE in 2025 Green Assist: Recovering and…Read more
6.01.2025A look back at 2024 in the Baltic Sea2Land projectA look back at 2024 in the Baltic Sea2Land project 2024 in the Baltic Sea2Land project and…Read more
30.12.2024SELINA project: Newsletter #7Welcome to SELINA’s seventh Newsletter! Here’s what news project has for you: For second consecutive year SELINA…Read more
12.12.2024Save the Date – 5th Baltic MSP ForumThe 5th Baltic MSP Forum will take place on 11–12 November 2025 in Riga, Latvia. Save the…Read more
25.11.2024Review on 5th ESP Europe ConferenceESP hosted its 5th European conference under the theme Ecosystem Services: One Planet, One Health (18-22 November…Read more
19.11.2024LIFE Programme Newsletter | November 2024Latest news from the LIFE programme: LIFE on the global stage LIFE tackling energy poverty across Europe…Read more
14.11.2024Waste seminarOn 7 November 2024, LIFE FitforREACH-2 partners and other waste experts met at an international workshop in…Read more
6.11.2024Review on the 15th EUSBSR Annual ForumThe 15th EUSBSR Annual Forum, organized in Visby, Sweden on 30-31 October, 2024 invited participants to engage,…Read more
1.11.2024Tackling Flood Risks: The LIFE LATESTadapt project and its Solution CatalogueFlooding poses a significant risk to communities, ecosystems, and economies, especially in vulnerable sub-catchment areas. Recognizing the…Read more
25.10.2024Key takeaways from the 5th Nexogenesis expert meetingThe 5th Nexogenesis project expert meeting was successfully held in Riga on 02.10.2024. We gathered stakeholders from…Read more
22.10.2024LIFE Programme Newsletter | October 2024Latest news from the LIFE programme: Over €380 million new funding for LIFE Circular economy: can hotels…Read more
22.10.2024IMPETUS project: entering the final phaseOn October 8-10, 2024 IMPETUS partners convened at the AKD Tagungshaus in Berlin to review the project’s…Read more
8.10.2024Welcome to the first edition of the NATALIE NewsletterThe NATALIE project aims to better prepare European regions for future climate change challenges by accelerating and…Read more
23.09.2024Review on Nordic-Baltic LIFE Platform meetingMeeting was held in Riga, Latvia, from September 16th to 18th, 2024. This event was meant for…Read more
18.09.2024LIFE Programme Newsletter | September 2024Latest news from the LIFE programme: LIFE: restoring blue skies above Europe Protecting Europe’s seabirds: tackling plastic…Read more
13.09.2024Fieldwork completed for the coastal landscape assessmentFieldwork completed for the coastal landscape assessment In summer 2024, experts from the Baltic Environmental Forum in…Read more
21.08.2024LIFE Programme Newsletter | August 2024Latest news from the LIFE programme: Nature-based solutions breathing LIFE into our urban environments LIFE pedalling a…Read more
19.08.2024Nature Restoration Law enters into forceThe regulation sets binding targets to restore degraded ecosystems, particularly those with the most potential to capture…Read more
14.08.2024Nature-based solutions into our urban environmentsFrom parks to street trees, studies show the healing power of urban greening. The New European Bauhaus…Read more
7.08.2024Call for Participants to Ecotech Hackathon- Making Urban Water SmartRegistration is open for the 2nd project’s LIFE LATESTadapt hackathon, set to be held in Tallinn, Estonia…Read more
22.07.2024LIFE Programme Newsletter | July 2024Latest news from the LIFE programme: LIFE Awards 2024 Winners: spotlight on various topics Join the #WaterWise…Read more
20.07.2024Initiatives for a Sustainable Future: Valmiera City Festival’s Cup Deposit SystemThe Valmiera City Festival is not just a highlight of the summer for residents and visitors alike…Read more
15.07.2024LIFE LATESTadapt project updates in Cēsis, Valmiera and RīgaLIFE LATESTadapt project Updates in Cēsis, Valmiera, and Rīga Increasingly destructive rainstorms and heatwaves – the rise…Read more
5.07.2024Highlights from SELINA project workshop in TrondheimAround 90 scientists, decision-makers, and ecosystem service experts convened in Trondheim to discuss advancing methodological solutions for…Read more
26.06.2024New video: the story of the Baltic Sea2Land projectNew video: the story of Baltic Sea2Land project Maritime and coastal spatial planning is a vital task…Read more
18.06.2024LIFE Programme Newsletter | June 2024Latest news from the LIFE programme: LIFE projects honored at Natura 2000 Awards Research for better energy…Read more
4.06.2024Navigating Regional Realities Amid Water Scarcity in EuropeEU funded project Climate IMPETUS to host online discussion “Navigating Regional Realities Amid Water Scarcity in Europe”…Read more
1.06.2024June 5 – World Environment DayWorld Environment Day is a global platform for inspiring positive change. People from more than 150 countries…Read more
25.05.2024Team from Estonia wins the City Planning & Innovation Hackathon LifeHack Valmiera! On Friday, 17 May 2024 in the framework of LIFE LATESTadapt project, Valmiera hosted the urban…Read more
17.05.2024LIFE Programme Newsletter | May 2024Latest news from the LIFE programme: €571 million are available for #EULife24 call for proposals LIFE is…Read more
22.04.2024Call for Participants to City Planning & Innovation Hackathon LifeHack Valmiera!Call for Participants to City Planning & Innovation Hackathon LifeHack Valmiera! The City Planning & Innovation Hackathon,…Read more
5.04.2024Sea2Land Navigator – a tool that is being designed to assist MSP plannersSea2Land Navigator – a tool that is being designed to assist MSP planners Baltic Environmental Forum is…Read more
5.04.2024NATALIE project was presented to stakeholders of Zemgale RegionLast week the NATALIE project (Accelerating and mainstreaming transformative nature-based solutions to enhance resilience to climate change…Read more
3.04.2024Time to show Interreg benefits for peopleInterreg Baltic Sea Region Programme invites to participate in the photo competition to showcase the most telling…Read more
19.03.2024LIFE Programme Newsletter | March 2024Latest news from the LIFE programme: LIFE Calls for proposals 2024 Vote for your favourite Natura 2000…Read more
12.03.2024Nominate your non-hazardous building today!We’re celebrating the most effective laws and policies for non-hazardous buildings – join us and nominate today!…Read more
8.03.2024Our colleague about her experience as an Environmental Advocate in LatviaThe complex challenge of adapting to climate change requires collaboration between many fields of expertise and the…Read more
1.03.2024The EU parliament adopts law to restore 20% of land and seaThe EU parliament has endorsed a novel legislation concerning the restoration of nature, aiming to achieve the…Read more
22.02.2024LIFE GoodWater IP – restoration works in rivers Slocene and VašlejaLIFE Goodwater IP project partner – SJC “Real Estate of the Ministry of Agriculture” – has completed…Read more
19.02.2024LIFE Programme Newsletter | February 2024Latest news from the LIFE programme: LIFE Calls for proposals 2024 Be part of the European Sustainable…Read more
16.02.2024Insight to the 4th NEXOGENESIS workshopOn the 6th and 7th of February, Baltic Environmental Forum organized the Nexogenesis project 4th workshop “Water-energy-food-ecosystem…Read more
14.02.2024Highlights from SELINA project workshop in Leiden5-9 February Baltic Environmental Forum (BEF) team participated in the 3rd thematic SELINA project workshop that took…Read more
7.02.2024Towards improved coastal management: learn more about Latvian pilots within the Baltic Sea2Land projectLatvia boasts almost a 500 km long coastline that hosts many valuable and unique habitats and species,…Read more
24.01.2024LIFE Programme Newsletter | January 2024Latest news from the LIFE programme: Celebrating the successes of LIFE projects in 2023 What’s new for…Read more
18.01.2024Fehmarn Island – Case Study within the Baltic Sea2Land projectIn the framework of the Baltic Sea2Land project, Fehmarn Island emerges as a distinctive case study, underscoring…Read more
2.01.2024SELINA project highlights 2023Project team invites to take a moment to reflect on the SELINA achievements throughout the year 2023.…Read more
22.12.2023Endocrine disruptors and women’s healthHormonal balance—that’s what keeps us healthy and promotes well-being. In recent years, the influence of endocrine disruptors…Read more
18.12.2023LIFE Programme Newsletter | December 2023Latest news from the LIFE programme: LIFE projects participating at COP28 LIFE reduces energy poverty for Europe’s…Read more
8.12.2023Use and values of urban green areas in three Latvian cities: summary of social survey resultsIn summer 2023 Baltic Environmental Forum – Latvia conducted a social survey on the urban green spaces…Read more
4.12.2023Latest in the BALTIC SEA2LAND projectWe are partners in the Baltic Sea Region program’s project Baltic Sea2Land – it aims to equip…Read more
28.11.2023Review on international Green Governance conference in TallinnInternational conference “DRIVING CHANGE: EMPOWERING SUSTAINABILITY THROUGH GREEN GOVERNANCE” took place on November 16, 2023 in Tallinn,…Read more
21.11.2023LIFE Programme Newsletter | November 2023Latest news from the LIFE programme: EUSEW 2024 calls are open! LIFE for Entomology: LIFE programme participates…Read more
6.11.2023SELINA’s newsletter #2Project SELINA is excited to announce the release of its second newsletter! Find out about the project’s…Read more
20.10.20233rd IMPETUS Partner Meeting in UtrechtThe 3rd partner meeting of the IMPETUS project took place at the KWR Water Research Institute in…Read more
19.10.2023LIFE Programme Newsletter | October 2023Latest news from the LIFE programme: New publication on Clean energy transition projects to REPower the EU…Read more
16.10.2023SELINA’s second thematic workshopThe second SELINA thematic workshop took place from 2-5 October 2023 in Madrid, Spain, hosted by SELINA’s partner Rey…Read more
13.10.2023Innovative waste recycling ideas on hackathon “DaibeZero”At the end of September, the Valmiera hackathon “Daibe Zero” was the gathering place for ambitious, young,…Read more
10.10.2023EUSBSR Annual Forum 2023 in RigaOn 4-5 October 2023, Riga organized the 14th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea…Read more
6.10.2023Tender for International Senior Chemicals ConsultantThe Baltic Environmental Forum-Latvia announces the Tender “International Senior Chemicals consultant” for high level contributions input to…Read more
5.10.2023Vote for the NonHazCity projectThe REGIOSTARS Awards have been organised each year since 2008 and have become, over the course of…Read more
30.09.2023EUSBSR Annual Forum 2023 in RigaOn October 4-5, 2023 Riga will be organizing the 14th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the…Read more
27.09.2023LIFE GoodWater IP conference materialsLIFE GoodWater IP project organized the international conference “Let the waters flow: removal of dams, weirs and…Read more
15.09.2023LIFE Programme Newsletter | September 2023Latest news from the LIFE programme: The LIFE Programme reintroduces lynxes to our forests, enriching Europe’s Biodiversity…Read more
11.09.2023Hackathon “DaibeZero”BALTIPLAST project promotes the generation of innovative ideas for plastic waste recycling based on the principles of…Read more
1.09.202325 active and innovative solutions by NATALIE projectAdapting to climate change is a key issue for the survival of ecosystems. Our new project “Accelerating…Read more
31.08.2023The European Environment Agency’s photo competitionThe European Environment Agency (EEA) invites everybody to capture the unsustainable consumption and production patterns that threaten…Read more
26.08.2023LIFE Programme Newsletter | August 2023Latest news from the LIFE programme: New public LIFE projects dashboard promotes transparency and understanding Super soil:…Read more
1.08.2023Invitation to participate in the LIFE GoodWater IP project conferenceLIFE GoodWater IP project is organizing the international conference “Let the waters flow: removal of dams, weirs…Read more
21.07.2023LIFE Programme Newsletter | July 2023Latest news from the LIFE programme: New Nature Restoration Law boosts biodiversity and climate action across Europe…Read more
3.07.2023International Plastic Bag Free DayInternational Plastic Bag Free Day is celebrated every year on July 3 to create awareness of the…Read more
29.06.2023LATESTadapt project international workshop materialsWorkshop “Planning and operationalizing green infrastructure and ecosystem service concepts for improving urban climate resilience” was held…Read more
27.06.2023Review on the 3rd NEXOGENESIS workshopOn the 15th of June, we organized the third NEXOGENESIS stakeholders workshop on “Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem Governance, Policy, and…Read more
26.06.2023LIFE Programme Newsletter | June 2023Latest news from the LIFE programme: Celebrating 31 years of LIFE and Natura 2000 All you need…Read more
8.06.2023LATESTadapt project international workshopWorkshop “Planning and operationalizing green infrastructure and ecosystem service concepts for improving urban climate resilience” will be…Read more
19.05.2023SELINA’s newsletter #1SELINA is excited to announce the release of its first newsletter, which was prepared to keep SELINA’s…Read more
2.05.2023International seminar “Hazardous Substances in Building Materials”Sustainable construction creates a base for sustainable, healthy, and safe city. However, substances of concern can be…Read more
24.04.2023SELINA’s first thematic workshopFrom 27 to 31 March 2023, nearly 120 experts and key stakeholders from public and private sectors…Read more
19.04.2023LIFE Programme Newsletter | April 2023Highlights, news, events and many more from the LIFE programme – please read the latest newsletter: https://ec.europa.eu/newsroom/cinea…Read more
19.04.2023Symposium on Hazardous Chemicals in European ParliamentOn 20 April 2023, the INTERREG project NonHazCity has a very special date coming up: representatives of…Read more
18.04.2023LIFE 2023 Calls for proposalsThe European Commission has launched the LIFE Programme’s 2023 Calls for project proposals – €611 million available…Read more
12.04.2023NEXOGENESIS project’s video on Lielupe River Basin case studyThe Lielupe case study is located in North-Eastern Europe and includes the 17,788 km2 Lielupe river basin shared…Read more
4.04.2023Virtual EU LIFE Info DaysOn 25-26 April, CINEA organizes virtual EU LIFE Info Days to guide potential applicants through the LIFE 2023 Calls for…Read more
21.03.2023LIFE Programme Newsletter | March 2023Latest news from the LIFE programme: Save the date: #EULife23 Info Days Ocean biodiversity: global agreement on…Read more
1.03.2023The UN 2023 Water ConferenceWater is a fundamental part of all aspects of life. Water is inextricably linked to the three…Read more
28.02.2023LATESTadapt project focus – nature based and smart solutionsMain aim of the LIFE LATESTadapt project is to develop demonstration portfolio of nature based and smart…Read more
27.02.2023Video: what will NEXOGENESIS project do?Water, energy, food and ecosystems (WEFE*) form an interconnected nexus that is central in providing resources and…Read more
13.02.2023LIFE Programme Newsletter | February 2023Latest news from the LIFE programme: Make EU Green Week 2023 your own – organise a partner…Read more
1.02.2023Art. 33 REACH – A right to know, not a right to ask!Art. 33 REACH – A right to know, not a right to ask!” – Final conference takes…Read more
25.01.202381st International Scientific Conference of the University of LatviaThe conference will be held in February – May 2023 and it has become an integral part…Read more
10.01.2023LIFE Programme Newsletter | January 2023Latest news from the LIFE programme: What’s coming up for LIFE in 2023 How EU funded projects…Read more
2.01.2023New year, new office addressNew year, new projects, new challenges and also new office address – from January 2023 we are…Read more
30.11.2022Register for LIFE AskREACH Final ConferenceWith its overall goal to enhance substitution of substances of very high concern (SVHC) in articles by…Read more
22.11.2022LIFE Programme Newsletter | November 2022Latest news from the LIFE programme: LIFE in a warming climate The European Commission proposes stronger rules…Read more
15.11.2022MAREA project final seminar materialsMAREA project final seminar “Sustainable planning and governance for marine and coastal areas” was held on November…Read more
1.11.2022LIFE GoodWater IP first conference materialsConference “Nature-based solutions for improvement of water quality and river basin management” was held on 26-27 October…Read more
22.10.2022LIFE Programme Newsletter | October 2022Latest news from the LIFE programme: #LIFEis30 podcast series – Food for thought LIFE turns 30 –…Read more
21.10.2022LIFE GoodWater IP welcomes to its first conferenceConference “Nature-based solutions for improvement of water quality and river basin management” will be held on 26-27…Read more
20.10.2022Save the date – LIFE AskREACH Final ConferenceSave the date – LIFE AskREACH Final Conference January 25 ,2023 (10-17 CET), Brussels, Kartuizercenter (Rue des…Read more
19.10.2022VivaGrass, 7th PROGRESS Good Practice videoThe 7th video of the series PROGRESS project’s Good Practices introduces (by Anda Ruskule, Baltic Environmental Forum…Read more
19.08.2019Review to the mapping and assessment of the coastal ecosystems, landscape and ecosystem services in the southwestern Kurzeme coastHow to balance the trade-offs and use of land-sea resources in the Southwestern Kurzeme coast of Latvia?…Read more
18.07.2019Project ENGRAVE presented in the international symposium10th World congress of the International Association for Landscape Ecology/ IALE) took place in Milano, Italy, on…Read more
10.07.2019UNISECO project newsletterWe are very pleased to inform you that we have just released the 2nd issue of the…Read more
12.02.2019Situation of multimodal mobility and future challengesThe conference on transport modelling and data management organised by the INTERREG BSR project “Sustainable Urban Mobility…Read more
25.01.2019Final conference of the project “Baltic energy areas – a planning perspective”How to best integrate spatial planning and regional energy policy perspectives in the Baltic Sea Region? What…Read more