Accelerating and mainstreaming transformative NATure-bAsed solutions to enhance resiLIEnce to climate change for diverse bio-geographical European regions (NATALIE)

Adapting to climate change is a key issue for the survival of ecosystems. The NATALIE project addresses existing and threatening climate risks and proposes the application of Nature based Solutions (NbS) to help resolve them. This 5-year project mobilizes 43 partners in Europe, 8 demonstration sites and 5 replication sites to observe the effects of these solutions.

The main objectives of this project, coordinated by OiEau are:

  • Deploy NbS in Europe in consultation with local stakeholders through measures that are resilient to climate change and beneficial to ecosystems;
  • Carry out replication studies following the tests carried out on the observation sites;
  • Develop tools to assess the impacts of these solutions (including socio-economic impacts);
  • Carry out various tests to develop appropriate financing tools.

NATALIE will develop a set of 25 active and innovative solutions, including financing and public commitment measures, technical innovations, modeling and IT solutions, and recommendations in terms of governance and policy at EU and regional level. The project provides an inclusive and scientifically verified framework for European and local policies related to climate change resilience.

Project details

  • Project name: NATALIE
  • Project management: International Office for Water (OiEau)
  • Funded by: European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme (2021- 2027)
  • Operational time: 09/2023-08/2028
  • Project number: 101112859
  • Project website:

Project partners

43 partner organizations from 10 EU member states, Iceland, Switzerland and the United Kingdom

Contact persons

  • Ingrīda Brēmere
  • Daina Indriksone
  • Dace Selga

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