Within the framework of the project platform ‘Strengthening the Capacity of MSP Stakeholders and Decision Makers: Capacity4MSP’, analysis of key aspects of stakeholder involvement and engagement in maritime spatial planning was carried out. The results of the analysis are presented in the integrated report, available here.
The report contains research-based analysis, experiences and practical examples of stakeholder involvement approaches and methods. Objectives of the elaboration of the report are as follows:
- To collect and review lessons learnt, knowledge, conclusions and results from other MSP projects and national MSP processes affecting stakeholder involvement, awareness raising and engagement in MSP involvement at EU, BSR and national or regional level;
- To identify and map stakeholders according to the defined criteria as well as integrate approaches and recommendations from previous and ongoing projects;
- To summarize stakeholder involvement and engagement methods;
- To describe the peculiarities and gaps in communication identified in the national MSP processes and the necessary improvements;
- To propose key conclusions and recommendations for the target group of the Report in the context of stakeholder involvement and engagement within and outside the BSR.
More about the project platform Capacity4MSP “Strengthening the capacity of MSP stakeholders and decision makers” please read here: https://vasab.org/project/capacity4msp/