Awareness raising and capacity building on chemicals control in NW Russia: introductory

Aim of the project: To support capacity building at state authorities and industry in Russia for setting -up and implementation of an efficient chemicals management system. It started in October 2004 and shall last till October 2005. Within the BALTIC ENVIRONMENTAL FORUM (BEF) a programme on chemicals control, called BACCON, has been successfully implemented in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania since 1998. The success of the Baltic projects, Nordic interests and first findings about shortcomings of current Russian chemicals control system gave good reason to implement the programme also in Russia. The project is implemented by Baltic Environmental Forum in co-operation with Russian partners (CTC-Centre for Traunsboundary Co-operation, IDGCA-Association of Transportation of Dangerous Goods), Swedish and Finnish authorities. The project shall initiate a long term co-operation programme in chemicals management.
As Russia is very large the project shall focus its activities in one region: North West Russia (mainly Leningrad Oblast and city St. Petersburg).

Target group: Environment & health authorities, local enterprises & industry associations.

Main activities: Analysis /background studies on existing practice with regard to Chemicals management in Russia, Various stakeholders meetings in St. Petersburg on Chemicals policy, Industry round table on Chemicals management at enterprises, Public awareness, Bigger workshop on GHS for chemicals classification and labeling (ca. 60 participants), Training and capacity building among local experts, Development of further co-operation activities / project applications.
The project is funded by Swedish Environmental Agency, Finnish Ministry of Environment and Nordic Council of Ministers.

Project details

  • Project name: BACCON RUS
  • Project management: Baltic Environmental Forum, Latvia
  • Funded by: Swedish Environmental Agency, Finnish Ministry of Environment and Nordic Council of Ministers.
  • Operational time: 10/2004-10/2005

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