Capacity-building in North West Russia on hazardous substance management

The general purpose of the project is to support capacity building actions and cooperation of different stakeholders and thereof to contribute to the reduction of emissions from hazardous substances (HS) in the Russian part of the Baltic Sea basin. In the city St. Petersburg and the surrounding Leningrad region the pollution of water and soil by hazardous substances are crucial topics with respect to health and the environment.

Activities of the project:

  • to build up local capacities, according to the global/EU understanding of “hazardousness” and management of hazardous substances and aiming at its future adaptation in the Russian Federation. Measures are training courses.
  • to propose concrete steps for different actors and on different levels (recommendations) how to reduce emissions from hazardous substances to the aquatic environment; by smaller meetings with different stakeholders in Russia, problems shall be identified and resolution options shall be discussed.
  • to create a network of different stakeholder in NW Russia for whom hazardous substances and water management issues are of concern; various stakeholders will be contacted during the project course and in workshops and seminars the co-operation will be highlighted and supported.
  • to promote a dialogue among authorities, industry and science, NGOs and other stakeholders on the management of hazardous substances; measures are smaller dialogue seminars with training/capacity-building elements organized in Russia. A brochure which will explain the most relevant terms and issues of hazardous substance management in the European Union and the Russian Federation shall ease the common understanding. Moreover, the international dialogue shall be fostered in a large scale workshop.
  • to develop large-scale project application(s) for an implementation of suitable reduction measures in NW Russia in co-operation with the Russian authorities and international partners within the framework of e.g. INTERREG or other potential funding sources.

Target groups: Administration, Industry, Sciences

Project details

  • Project name: CapChemRU
  • Project management: Baltic Environmental Forum, Latvia
  • Funded by: German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, the Federal Environment Agency and the European Commission
  • Operational time: 10/2008-06/2010

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