Project provides a basis for obtaining better knowledge of sources of emissions and discharges for selected priority chemicals with a special focus on Russia through developing a strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. It started in March 2004 and shall last till November 2005, and is implemented by Baltic Environmental Forum in co-operation with Russian partner – Centre for Traunsboundary Co-operation (CTC), and supported by the Project group, consisting of representatives from the Contracting parties of the HELCOM and HELCOM Secretariat. Main activities: Overview on the existing data collection strategies regarding certain hazardous substances in the Baltic Sea region countries Detailed inventory on the existing data collection practices / legislative requirements regarding certain hazardous substances in Russia including interviews of industry and state authorities 2 seminars to increase awareness among environmental inspectors and data collectors in St. Petersburg on the hazardous substances issue, linkage between sources of hazardous substances and pathways into the marine environment Elaboration of recommendations for the improvement needs on the data collection strategies / monitoring on the occurrence of hazardous substances and pathways to the marine environment, proposed and discussed at the joint Baltic Sea region countries workshop (see last bullet) 2 international workshops in order to facilitate networking among Baltic Sea region countries regarding data collection systems with regard to hazardous substances, promoting co-operation among monitoring and chemicals management experts. The project is commissioned by the Secretariat of the Helsinki Commission.
Project details
- Operational time: 03/ 2004 – 11/2005