Sustainable Integrated Management FOR the NEXUS of water-land-food-energy-climate for a resource-efficient Europe

Project aim
Land, food, energy, water and climate are interconnected, comprising a coherent system (the ‘Nexus’), dominated by complexity and feedback. The integrated management of the Nexus is critical to secure the efficient and sustainable use of resources. Barriers to a resource efficient Europe are policy inconsistencies and incoherence, knowledge gaps, especially regarding integration methodologies and tools for the Nexus, and knowledge and technology lock-ins. SIM4NEXUS will develop innovative methodologies to address these barriers, by building on well-known and scientifically established existing “thematic” models, simulating different components/ “themes” of the Nexus. Project flyer is available

Project activities
1. Policy analysis and the nexus
2. Thematic Models and Methodology of Integration
3. Serious Game development and testing of the system with hypothetical scenarios and actors
4. Dissemination of the project results and outcomes

Target groups
Ministries, municipalities, local and regional agencies etc.


SIM4NEXUS Communication and Networking Workshop:exploitation of the project products and services in the Baltic RegionFriday, 5 July 2019, Riga, Latvia.

The main goal of the “Communication and Networking Workshop: exploitation of the project products and services in the Baltic Region” was to introduce stakeholders from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania (ministries, agencies, universities, NGOs, consultants, etc.) with the SIM4NEXUS project approaches and main findings as well as to collect and discuss ideas on further exploitation of project results. The program of the workshop included presentations as well as interactive session on policy development: recommendations on key policy development with respect to water, energy, land, food and climate sectors and focusing towards low carbon and resource efficient Baltic Region so participants of the workshop also shared their ideas and proposals for the policy development in the Baltic Region.

Report from the seminar is available HERE and presentations: HERE.

Project details

  • Project name: SIM4NEXUS
  • Project management:Wageningen University and Research Centre (Netherlands)
  • Funded by: European Commision Horizon 2020 Programme
  • Operational time:06/2016 – 05/2020
  • Project homepage:
  • Project number: 689150

Project partners

University of Thessaly, Department of Civil Engineering (Greece)
The University of Exeter (Great Britain)
Stichting IHE Delft (Netherlands) Potsdam-Institute for Climate Impact research (Germany)
Technical University of Madrid (Spain)
Center for Research on Energy and Environmental Economics and Policy at University Luigi Bocconi of Milan (Italy)
United Nations University (Japan)
Department of Environmental Science, Radboud University (Netherlands)
Royal Institute of Technology division of Energy Systems Analysis (Sweden)
UPPSALA University (Sweden)
Fundacio Eurecat (Spain)
University of Sassari, Departement of Scienze for Nature and environmental resources (Italy)
ENKI O.P.S. (Czech Republic)
PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (Netherlands)
DHI (Denmark)
South West Water Ltd (Great Britain)
Acteon Sarl (France)
Epsilon Malta Limited (Malta)
Cambridge Econometircs (Great Britain)
Strane Innovation SAS (France)
Fresh-Thoughts Consulting GmbH (Austria)
Baltic Environmental Forum (Latvia)
People and Water (Slovakia)
European water supply and sanitation technology platform (Belgium)

Contact persons

  • Daina Indriksone
  • Ingrīda Brēmere
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