Energy- & climate change

Video: what will NEXOGENESIS project do?

Water, energy, food and ecosystems (WEFE*) form an interconnected nexus that is central in providing  resources and services needed to sustain human activity. The nexus is affected by changes in climate, precipitation, and land cover as well as economic development, agriculture and urban growth. Currently, humans are extracting resources at a faster rate than they are replaced, thereby deepening resource and ecological deficits. NEXOGENESIS project will support the development of policies that address the nexus interconnectedness at several levels to manage resources effectively and avoid conflicts between users.

The NEXOGENESIS project will promote the design and development of policies that incorporate the interactions between these areas to improve the efficiency of resource management and reduce conflicts between resource users.

This video was made on a sunny day in late September 2022, when the project partners met in Riga to assess the project’s activities so far, as well as to discuss the next steps to be taken. Watch and find out what project team thinks about NEXOGENESIS!

*WEFE = water-energy-food-ecosystems.

Find more about project here:


Activity organized within the frame of HORIZON2020 project “Facilitating the next generation of effective and intelligent water-related policies utilizing artificial intelligence and reinforcement learning to assess the water-energy-food-ecosystem (WEFE) nexus” (NEXOGENSIS, Nr. 101003881)