On 26 and 27 May 2022, the LIFE GoodWaterIP project workshop in Jelgava “Agriculture and good water quality: policy and management measures” brought together water experts and representatives of the agricultural sector from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Finland to discuss freshwater management problems and solutions.
On the first day, May 26, participants had the opportunity to learn more about freshwater management issues in the Lielupe river basin, where due to intensive agriculture achieving water quality goals is a huge challenge. They also visited several sites to see practical examples of water management, including innovative solutions to improve water quality, such as artificial wetlands.
On the second day, May 27, experts shared their experience on the challenges and solutions for achieving freshwater quality goals in their home countries. Presentations were followed by a discussion on opportunities and drawbacks for upscaling measures to reduce agricultural impact on water quality.
We would like to thank to all participants and lectors for their active participation in the discussions and for sharing their experiences!
Agenda and presentations from the workshop:
02_LIFE GoodWater_IP project_J.Šīre
03_RBMP agricultural measures_L. Fībiga
04_Targeted solutions for mitigating impacts_ A.Lagdzins
05_Nexogenesis project_D.Indriksone
06_Discussion_WEFE interlinkages
07_Diffuse pollution measures Lithuania_M.Gudas
08_ LIFE CleanEST project-R.Marustsak
09_Wetland restoration measures_Finland_J.Jyrkankallio-Mikkola
10_Introduction to the transboundary session