The complex challenge of adapting to climate change requires collaboration between many fields of expertise and the diverse approaches of different projects. IMPETUS is working closely with sister climate change adaptation projects ARSINOE, TransformAr and REGILIENCE. Together, these involve many inspiring people whose skills and experience contribute in various ways to creating resilience and adaptation tools, solutions and initiatives.
To mark International Women’s Day – 8 March – we have been interviewing some of the impactful women in our projects. For IMPETUS, we spoke with Agnese Meija – Toropova from Baltic Environmental Forum Latvia working in the Boreal demosite and Mountains demo site leader – Valentina D’Alonzo, a senior researcher at Eurac Research’s Institute for Renewable Energy.
Please read full article here:
Interview was held in the frame of the IMPETUS project “Dynamic information management approach for the implementation of climate resilient adaptation packages in European regions”. Visit project websites for more information and stay tuned for more to come: