Supporting national adaptation strategies to climate change in the Baltic States

The project BaltClim supports national adaptation strategies to climate change in the Baltic States. The project was implemented by the BEF network and the Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW) in close cooperation with the Baltic Ministries of Environment.

The goal of BaltClim: to develop roadmaps which shall lay down the way to the final adaptation strategy and which will show options for actions and how to overcome barriers and obstacles. The roadmap will define thematic priorities and first steps for each of the three target countries.

Project activities:
• Regular meetings and exchange with the Baltic Ministries of Environment on a common kick-off meeting in Riga, a seminar in Tallinn and during smaller meetings
• Elaboration of a background paper which outlines the problems and barriers and options for actions on the way to national adaptation strategies in the target countries
• Development of a roadmap for the elaboration to a national adaptation strategy to climate change in all three Baltic States.

Target groups of the project: Ministries of environment in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania

Project details

  • Project management:Baltic Environmental Forum, Germany
  • Funded by: European Union and the German Federal Ministry for the Environment; Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety with means of the Advisory Assistance;
    Programme for Environmental Protection in the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia
  • Operational time: 11/2011 – 01/2013

Project partners

Baltic Environmental Forums, Latvia
Baltic Environmental Forums, Lithuania
Baltic Environmental Forums, Estonia
Institut for Ecologic Economic Research, Germany

Project employees

  • Daina Indriksone

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