CAMS Platform aims to capitalize results of ongoing EU INTERREG and other EU energy efficiency projects. The platform will explore:
– how energy efficiency measures could be improved and used to increase the resilience of housing sector to negative effects of long-term climate change;
– how energy audits could be upgraded to serve relevant measures, developing accessible database for energy performance audits of buildings, especially the unified energy performance criteria for multi-storey buildings.
More specifically, the activities of CAMS Platform include:
– synthesis report of 20 pilot energy audits carried out during the project for testing updated and innovative elements of Energy Audit Database;
– guidelines for unified energy performance criteria, a qualification programme for refurbishment of multi-story buildings in housing and services sectors are elaborated and agreed on current policy-developments and qualification criteria from all participating countries;
– guidelines for climate proofing energy efficiency projects: focusing on renovation of multi apartment buildings in the Baltic Sea Region.
In the frame of the project, we want to target audience of national/regional/local authorities, energy auditors, professional bodies, housing, construction and private sector as well.
- Presentation “Mapping climate adaptation options in energy efficiency projects” by K. Kirsimaa, M. Org, P.Kuldna, Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre (2020) is available in a pdf format at: https://www.slideshare.net/siltinam/interreg-project-cams-platform-mapping-climate-adaptation-options-in-energy-efficiency-projects-238798620 and in a video format at: https://youtu.be/-gAIrelNC7Q
- Presentation “Climate change, energy efficiency and policy recommendations for building sector” by A. Kamenders, Ltd Ekodoma (2020) in a pdf format is available at https://www.slideshare.net/siltinam/climate-change-energy-efficiency-and-policy-recommendations-for-building-sector
Project details
- Project name: CAMS Platform
- Project management: Tartu Regional Energy Agency (Estonia)
- Part financed by: the European Union (European Regional Development Fund and European Neighbourhood Instrument) as part of the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme 2014-2020, Priority 2 “Natural resources”, Specific objective 2.3 “Energy efficiency”.
- Operational time: 04/2019 – 03/2022
- Project number: C008
- Project website: trea.ee/cams
Project partners
County Administrative Board of Dalarna (Sweden); Permanent International Secretariat of the Council of the Baltic Sea States (Sweden); Ministry of Economics (Latvia); Foundation of Energy Saving in Gdansk (Poland); Baltic Environmental Forum Latvia (Latvia); Baltic Environmental Forum Germany (Germany); Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre (Estonia); Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University (Russia)
Contact persons
- Daina Indriksone