Project background and objectives
Finland, Estonia and Latvia have made plans how to save energy, compensate the use of fossil energy sources by renewable energy sources. Important domestic source is wood and other biomass in different forms. Through the project the partners in Finland, Estonia and Latvia collected information of heating technology, boilers and devices utilizing wood energy and other bio-energy in different forms. Market research had been organized in Finland, Estonia and Latvia regarding what kind of heating boilers and stoves for small houses utilizing wood or other biomass are on the market. TTS, EULS and RTU make research on utilization of combi-boilers (using pellet and solar energy) in heating of small houses. Training material and courses for installers and advisers of energy efficient use of bio-energy had been developed and pilot trainings organized. Another objective of the project: to develop and test the consumer directed guidance services and network operations model. The project was started on an initial mapping that will give in-touch data about household housing customs. The goal is to organize reliable and easily accessible energy guidance for the public.
Main results of the project
• two market research in Finland, Estonia and Latvia regarding heating boilers and energy efficient housing;
• seminar for researchers and scientists related to utilization biomass in heating in Riga;
• three seminars for public on recent developments of combi boilers and three seminars on “Energy Efficient and Ecological Housing” for public (one in Finland, Estonia and Latvia);
• two workshops in Finland, Estonia and Latvia including site visits • training material and 6 courses for installers of boilers and advisory officers of energy;
• development and testing the consumer-directed web-based advising model for consumer of energy;
• two research reports, four information bulletins and guide book of energy efficient housing.
The publication “Energy efficient and ecological housing in Finland, Estonia and Latvia: current experiences and future perspectives” is already available in an electronic and printed format by contacting Baltic Environmental Forum Latvia.
Target group: consumers, retailers
Project details
- Project management: TTS Institute (Work Efficiency Institute), Finland
- Funded by: Central Baltic INTERREG IVA Programme 2007-2013
Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of Latvia - Operational time: 05/2011 – 12/2013
Project partners
Baltic Environmental Forum-Latvia
Riga Technical University – Institute of Energy Systems and Environment, Latvia
Tallinn University, Institute of Informatics, Estonia
Tallinn University of Technology, Tarty Collage, Estonia
Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonia
Project employees
- Daina Indriksone