Using ecological construction materials in new, energy efficient buildings in the Baltic States

This project is a next step of the Baltic Environmental Forum (BEF) Group for fostering the development of energy saving and environmentally sound construction of buildings in the Baltic States.

The overall project goal is to enforce the application of ecologically sound construction, insulation and finishing materials in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania through:
1) information gathering and demonstration;
2) training stakeholders;
3) educating consumers;
4) strengthening local capacities of experts among the BEF network with regard to the previous mentioned topics.

• Background information research, expert meetings;
• Demonstration of how to build a building with high ecological and energy efficient standards (data modelling, assessment of results);
• Preparation of publication for general public. Experts summarized information about available publications and articles about ecological construction materials in Baltic States and Germany.
• Recommendations on using ecological construction materials in the Baltic States
• Elaboration of training manual and training of Baltic experts.

Target group
• Professional stakeholders (e.g., architects, engineers, craftsmen)
• Specialists – experts from educational institutions
• Others stakeholders (e.g., resellers, professional associations, non-governmental organisations)
• General public (consumers) In a frame of the project the data base was developed and it contains various information related to application of ecological construction materials and energy efficient houses in the Baltic States and Germany.

Project details

  • Project management:Baltic Environmental Forum, Latvia
  • Funded by: Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (German Federal Foundation for the Environment)
  • Operational time:08/2009-06/2011

Project partners

Baltic Environmental Forum-Estonia, Baltic Environmental Forum-Lithuania, Baltic Environmental Forum-Germany

Project employees

  • Daina Indriksone

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