
Retailer Info day materials

On April 29, the Baltic Retailer Info Day was organized. Aim of this event was to present a brief overview on duty to communicate information on substances in articles and to demonstrate practical tools for convenience of communication. Overall aim of the project is to address retailers in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania to help them to fulfil their obligations on communication about substances of very high concern (SVHCs).

If a retailer is working in  the European market, he is obliged under Article 33 of the REACH Regulation to provide information on substances in articles in his traded goods. Are retailers sufficiently aware of these information requirements?

Participants were introduction to harmful chemicals, properties of SVHCs – reasons why we are concerned. Followed detailed information about article definition and related obligation for communication on SVHC in articles. How to fulfill the communication obligation and which communication strategy to select?


For further questions please contact your regional administrators:

LATVIA  – Baltic Environmental Forum-Latvia

LITHUANIA – Baltic Environmental Forum-Lithuania 

ESTONIA –Baltic Environmental Forum-Estonia

This event was organized in the LIFE AskREACH project co-financed by the EU LIFE program and the National Regional Development Agency.