Introducing Heat Pumps for Heat Supply in Riga City: Setting- up a Demonstration Object

The purpose of the project: to thermo- insulate the „Kastanitis” kindergarten and install a geothermal heating system (heat pumps), with the overall objective of promoting geothermal energy and protecting the environment through reducing the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere.

Project activities and results
– public procurement for heat pump, including installation;
– thermal insulation works for the “Kastanitis” kindergarten and replacement of the inner heat supply system;
– data registration during the heating season (measuring and registration);
– study visit to Norway and Latvia;
– management and publicity activities.

Project details

  • Project management:Riga Energy Agency
  • Funded by: Norwegian Financial Mechanism grant
  • Operational time: 08/2009 – 04/2011
  • Project number: PVS ID 2162

Project partners

Baltic Environmental Forum-Latvia
Riga City Council Property Department

Project employees

  • Daina Indriksone

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