“Renovation wave of buildings in the Baltic Sea Region: challenges and opportunities” an online workshop was held on 24 March 2022. It was organized in the frame of the project Baltic Sea Partnership on Energy Efficiency (BSPonEE).
The aim of event was to strengthen the network of stakeholders in the Baltic Sea Region within the energy efficiency area and provide an opportunity to exchange information and knowledge between participants. The agenda of event: BSPonEE workshop _Agenda_24.03.2022.
Participants of the event were introduced to the EU Building’s policy and the revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (main changes compared to 2018). Speakers from Latvia, Germany, Poland, and Sweden gave presentations sharing experiences and prospects for renovation wave elaborating on current experiences, successes and challenges, good practice examples from previous projects in their countries. Presentations from the workshop:
01_Goldstein_RW EPBD
02_Silovs_Financial programs_LV
07_Augustins_EnEf tool_LV
A summary on key findings related to challenges and opportunities with respect to the building renovation in Latvia, Germany, Poland, and Sweden as indicated during the workshop is available: Challenges_Opportunities_Wsh findings24.03.2022.
Baltic Sea Partnership on Energy Efficiency (BSPonEE) is a project funded by the Swedish Institute that addresses energy efficiency in buildings in the Baltic Sea region. The project focuses on the creation of a network for various stakeholders. The project is led by North Sweden Energy Agency together with the partners Polish Foundation for Energy Efficiency (FEWE) and Baltic Environmental Forum (Latvia). Associated partners are Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Latvia, Housing Initiative for Eastern Europe (IWO) (Germany), Global Playground Stockholm, and The Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS).